The Gravenstein Health Action Coalition partners with other organizations, agencies and individuals to work toward building a self-healing community in West Sonoma County
Mobilize and collaborate with community partners and resources to improve equity, health, safety and wellbeing for all in West Sonoma County
West County is a healthy and safe place for all residents to live, work, play and belong.
Guiding Principles are designed to improve health, safety, well-being, and resiliency by:
1) Placing equity at the center of all we do by identifying inequities and reducing barriers.
2) Supporting and collaborating with West County stakeholders.
3) Providing opportunities and support for building community capacity.
Self-Healing Community
A Self-Healing Community Model reflects the path forward to meet our Mission and Vision. This model was developed in Washington State and introduced into 42 Communities from 1994-2012. It resulted in a dramatic reduction in the rates of the social problems which can create decreased health and well-being. Leaders from different sectors work together and invite new community members into leadership teams. The community comes together to identify the major problems which have negative impacts on the overall health of the community and determine their root cause allowing those who are most impacted to be part of identifying what is important and what is needed most. This creates a dynamic cycle of learning, action and reflection. Learning from reflection starts the cycle again.
Our Accomplishments
Developed Training Sessions for Adverse Childhood Events and Positive Parenting in Sonoma West County District Schools
Supports MYN Program in Reaching out to the Latine Community
Successful advocacy for the adoption of Tobacco Retail Licensure in most of Sonoma County
Updated and Distributed Sebastopol Resource Guide
Institutional Grants
Sonoma County Vintners Grant
City of Sebastopol Community Grant 2023, 2025
Sonoma County Tif 2024
Bethlehem Grant 2024
McNab Grant 2024