Meet Your Neighbors

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

GHAC, acknowledging that everyone shares responsibility for improving the health, safety and well being of West County, is partnering with the City of Sebastopol and Sebastopol Fire Department to implement the Meet Your Neighbors (MYN) Program by coordinating through the MYN Committee. 

The MYN Committee focuses on helping area residents to better understand how to take care of ourselves during and after emergencies by working together in our neighborhoods through the MYN Leader Council. 

The MYN Leader Council is a monthly gathering of active and experienced MYN Leaders who understand the importance of neighbors working together. These Leaders collaborate with new MYN Leaders on steps to implement and sustain the MYN program in their neighborhoods.

Meet Your Neighbors is based on a similar program based in Washington state and was originally called Map Your Neighborhood.


Sebastopol Ready is a website/program sponsored and funded by the Sebastopol Fire Department explaining the Meet Your Neighbors program.

The Leader Council supports implementing MYN by suggesting and tracking the following Leader steps:  

  1. Participate in an MYN Class sponsored by the Sebastopol Fire Department

  2. Participate in an MYN Leader Council meeting within 60 days of attending the MYN Class to more specifically plan MYN in your neighborhood. By attending this meeting you become a member of the Council

  3. Organize and hold an MYN meeting in your neighborhood

  4. Participate in a second MYN Leader Council meeting to report on and discuss the ease or difficulties in implementing MYN in your neighborhood. And offer insights and opinions on ways to improve the MYN program and implementation assistance. 

Leader Council Goals:

  1. Develop, implement and maintain a Meet Your Neighbors Leader Council.

  2. Council members include all West County individuals that have taken the Meet Your Neighbors class offered by Sebastopol Fire Department and attend a Leader Council meeting.

  3. Provide support from experienced MYN Leaders to new MYN Leaders in implementing the MYN process in their neighborhood,

  4. Provide information about both urban and rural area MYN efforts.

  5. Provide more in-depth education at each Leadership Council meeting regarding working together during disasters.

  6. Identify isolated seniors in your neighborhood and get help from the Leader Council on how to work with them.

  7. Provide access to frequently used forms and educational documents to use in implementing your MYN neighborhood plan.

  8. Help plan for special educational events called MYN Connections.

  9. Create a safe place for Leaders to communicate about their concerns, barriers and any other issues they have.

  10. Support Sebastopol Neighborhood Communication Unit (SNCU) in implementing the use of radio communications during a disaster. 


Would you like to have More information about the MEET Your Neighbors Committee?

Please send us this form to ask questions, sign up for MYN classes or SNCU skills trainings and to receive MYN filtered updates and alerts when available. 

The Meet Your Neighbors Project focuses on helping area residents to better understand how to prepare and respond during and after emergencies such as earthquake and fire by working together in neighborhoods.

MYN Contact Source

Need more information? Contact Skip Jirrels,
phone: 707 799 2204

MYN Documents to Help You Get Started

A Brief Introduction (PDF download)

FAQ’s (PDF download)

MYN Booklet English

MYN Booklet Espanol