Volunteer for the Gravenstein Health Action Coalition
Dear Community Member,
Gravenstein Health Action Coalition (GHAC) invites you to become part of our non-profit organization by joining our Board, Advisory Council, or Project Committee. GHAC is made up entirely of dedicated, volunteer members who come from a variety of organizations and backgrounds. In this manner, we combine our expertise and work toward increasing the health, well-being, and safety of our West County community one project at a time.
We would greatly appreciate you sharing your unique experience and skills by joining our organization. Each member brings knowledge from a different segment of the community which we use to work synergistically toward our goals. We are constantly striving to diversify and broaden the abilities of our organization by including leaders from different cultural backgrounds.
Since we are a non-profit and work entirely from grants, members are encouraged to help identify funding opportunities and use influence and/or skills to identify grants and other financial possibilities, such as partnerships with other organizations to move our goals forward.
You will find our charter and strategic plan on our Website at gravensteinhealth.org. If you are interested in helping us improve the well-being of the West County community, you are welcome to attend any meeting and meet our present members.
We are a member of the Sebastopol Time Bank where volunteer hours can be traded for other services. Time bank site is at www.sebastopoltimebank.org.
To volunteer for GHAC please complete and send the form below. We will get back to you shortly.