County of Sonoma: SoCo Emergency
This is the County's one-stop-shop regarding COVID-19 including information about medical testing, preparation, travel information, food pantries, and more. You'll also find be able to sign up for alerts and read updates regarding the Shelter In Place.
California Department of Public Health
COVID-19 in California by the Numbers. California is issuing daily updates on COVID-19. To see the most recent update, visit the CDPH News Release page.
Check the CDC website for the latest up to date Disease & Conditions, Traveler’s Health, Emergency Preparedness, Statistics and More.
VOX: Coronavirus: The dos, don'ts, and rules of social distancing
THE GUARDIAN: An expert guide to social distancing – and what to do if friends and family aren't onboard
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: How to Prevent Loneliness in a Time of Social Distancing
GOOGLE DOCS: Resources for Wellness, Collective Care, and Anti-Racism
NDN COLLECTIVE: Decolonizing Community Care In Response To Covid-19
GOOGLE DOCS (Medford & Somerville area): How to Neighborhood Pod [Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective]
TEN PERCENT HAPPIER: Coronavirus Sanity Guide (FREE)
CILFET (Chronic Illness Leadership For Emergent Times): Preparing For and Dealing with COVID-19 Coronavirus (PDF)
GOOGLE DOC by MARYSE MITCHELL-BRODY: Caring Across Distance, Some Things to Consider Before Movement Gatherings During COVID-19
POWERLABS: How can organizers adapt to a world with social distancing?
DORI MIDNIGHT, Poem/invocation: Wash Your Hands
SUSAN RAFFO BLOG: Coronavirus, climate change and community care
DR. DIANA INLAK‘ECH: Holistic Support for Immunity & Virus Prevention
QUARTZ: 15 Ways to Practice Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus
CDC's (Center for Disease and Control Prevention) Mental Health & COVID-19
NATIONAL CENTER ON SAFE, SUPPORTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: Secondary Traumatic Stress and Self-Care Packet (Pilot PDF Document)
NH DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES, Bureau of Infectious Disease Control: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Self-Quarantine Guide
RUPA MARYMA, MD: List of Personal Things You Can Do to Stay Well in a Time of CoVID19
CRISSARIS SARNELLI, MD: Preparing For and Dealing with COVID-19 Coronavirus
ADRIENNE MAREE BROWN: In the Corona (poetry)
ALICE WONG: Coronavirus and the Disability Community
NEW YORK TIMES - FARHAD MAJOO: Every one is a Socialist in a Pandemic
PEOPLE’S HUB: Community Care Clinic for Disabled and Chronically ill Movement Folks
These are unprecedented times, and it's inspiring to see communities rising to the challenge. However, not everyone has the resources to "shelter in place" especially the millions of people in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Living paycheck to paycheck is hard when millions of businesses around the nation are closing down indefinitely, and hourly workers (including those dependent upon tips) are the hardest hit. In particular, families with kids whose primary meals happen at school are especially vulnerable when those schools shut down. With this in mind, Expensify.org is going to temporarily redirect all of its charitable funds to Expensify.org/hunger. With its ability to reimburse volunteers directly in real-time, Expensify.org is uniquely positioned to help families in need immediately. Until today, this fund was focused on paying off kids' "lunch debts" , but with schools closed around the nation, that isn't the top priority. Instead, we're devoting everything to a new program: matching SNAP grocery purchases up to $50 per family. It works like this:
Purchase food as normal with your SNAP card
Download Expensify on iOS or Android, for free
Join the Expensify.org/hunger policy
SmartScan the receipt, which will tell us how much you paid and show that it was paid for with an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card
Submit it to volunteer@expensify.org
Set up your bank account to receive the funds
So long as we have funds available, we will reimburse up to $50 per family (one time), the very next day.
To be clear, we can't commit to reimbursing every single person in need — we have no idea how many people will do this, and unfortunately, we don't have unlimited funds. We also don't know how long this crisis will last and how far our brand new charity's resources will stretch. But we're going to do what we can with the funds donated on behalf of Expensify Cardholders via the Karma Points feature, as well as by the extremely generous donors who have signed up for our Corporate and Personal Karma programs.
This is a truly global crisis, and it is only beginning. We all need to work together to weather the storm, and on behalf of Expensify.org's many generous members, we're eager to help.
David, President of Expensify.org
PS: While you may not personally be on SNAP, please forward this along to anyone based in the US (where the SNAP program operates) you know that may need food assistance — or to any other groups or organizations who might be able to spread the word that help is available. Helping our local communities is what Expensify.org is all about!